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日期:2022年09月17日     作者:     点击数:



Date:Sunday, November 20,2022


Venue:School of Overseas Education, Sichuan University (offline) + live streaming (online)






        Center for Language Education and Cooperation


        School of Overseas Education, Sichuan University

        Overseas Students Office, Sichuan University

        School of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University

一、工作坊主题Theme of the Workshop


The Construction and Development of a Diversified Training System for International Chinese Language Education in the New Era


The world is now experiencing the unprecedented change in a century, and international Chinese language education is in a critical period of transformation and upgrading. In order to further respond to the strategic needs of the country in“promoting Chinese culture to go global and enhancing the national soft power”, international Chinese language education should take up the important function of promoting Chinese and foreign language exchange and cooperation and increasing mutual learning and appreciation of the world's diverse cultures.Corresponding changes are also needed in educationconcepts, development methods,workfocus andpersonnel training toachieve the long-term goal of sustainable development. In view of this, with the strong support of Center for Language Education and Cooperation, wesincerely invite master's and doctoral students at home and abroad to participate in a workshop entitled“CSP Doctoral Workshop”taking place both online and offline on Saturday,November 20, 2022.


This workshop aims to serve overseas sinology research and achieve international Chinese language education exchange and mutual learning, focusing on the current challenges and future development direction of international Chinese language education. It also helps to build a professional academic exchange platform for research on international Chinese language education theoretical construction, cultural exchange, resource sharing, personnel training, information technology development, etc. and conduct thematic discussions on related issues from a multi-dimensional perspective and integrated path. It will promote the construction and development of a diversified training system for international Chinese language education in the new era, adding value and quality to the connotative development of international Chinese language education.


We strongly encourage papers in the following topics but is not limited to:


Module 1 Comparative Research on Chinese and Foreign Languages, Cultures and Education



(1)Construct the relevant theoretical system, methodological system and application system;

(2)Summarize the linguistic and cultural characteristics of different countries and regions;

(3)Provide a reference for solving common problems of Chinese learners in different countries and regions;

(4)Provide precise services for nationalized and language-specific Chinese textbook development and teaching practice;

(5)Provide models for international Chineselanguageeducation by comparing and analyzing the school-running mechanism, teaching mode and educational concept in different countries and regions.








Seminar Directions:

(1)Research on the differences between Chinese and Foreign Languages and Cultures

(2)Second Language Teaching and Intercultural Communication

(3)Comparative Research on Chinese and Foreign Language Education Policies

(4)Comparative Research on Chinese and Foreign Master's and Doctoral Training Models

(5)Research on the Communication and Cooperation of Chinese and foreign Language Education

(6)Research on Cultural Exchange and Mutual Appreciation between China and Foreign Countries



Module 2 Research on the Localization of Overseas Chinese Language Education



(1)Strengthen Sino-foreign cooperation and exchange in enriching Chinese textbooks, optimizing teaching methods, and preparing syllabus;

(2)Improve the local adaptability of teaching resources such as teachers, textbooks and courses;

(3)Help international Chinese language education to transform from external "blood transfusion" to local "blood creation";

(4)Promote the entry of Chinese into the overseas national education system and enhance the international competitiveness of Chinese.







Seminar Directions:

(1) Research on the Talent Cultivation System of Overseas Local Chinese Language Education

(2) Research on Overseas Local Chinese textbooks and Other Teaching Resources

(3) Research onthe Curriculum of Overseas Local Chinese Language Education

(4) Research on the School - running Model of Overseas Local Chinese Language Education


Module 3 Research on digital transformation of International Chinese Language Education



(1)Reshape the international Chineselanguageeducation ecology with the booming development of 5G communication, big data, artificial intelligence and other high technologies.

(2)Promote modern information technology to empower international Chineselanguageeducation in the research on improving teachers' information literacy, developing digital teaching resources, innovating online teaching models and teaching methods.







Seminar Directions:

(1) Research on Connotation Construction and Digital transformation of International ChineseLanguageEducation

(2) The Application of artificial intelligence in International Chinese language Teaching

(3) The Application of digital technology in international ChineseLanguage Education Administration

(4) Development and Utilization of Digital Resources in International Chinese Language Education


Module 4 Other issues related to International Chinese Language Education


In addition to the above three categories of topics, the workshop also welcomes scholars from home and abroad to discuss other topics related to international Chinese language education, such as language ontology for international Chinese language education, the Development and Evaluation of International ChineseLanguageEducation, International ChineseLanguageEducation Standards and Level Syllabus, the Regions and Countries of International Communication of Chinese, etc.


Wearesincerely lookingforward to your contributions on the above topics. We hope that they will provide theoretical guidance and practical basis for the constructionand development of a diversified training system for international Chinese language education from different dimensions, such as theoretical innovation, planning and practice, and future prospect.We also hope that they will comprehensively promote the transformation, upgrading and internal improvement of international Chinese language education, and further consolidate the existing achievements in international Chinese language communication, and help Chinese become a global public product, thus better serving social needs and national strategies.

二、工作坊形式与时间Format and Time of the Workshop






The format of the workshop will be blended with both face-to-face and virtual options.

The activities during the workshop include:

(1) Sharing and discussing the excellent academic papers

(2) Sharing educational experience by outstanding Master's and doctoral students from home and abroad

(3) Discussion session joined by reviewers, scholars and journal editors in related fields at home and abroad




The workshop is scheduled to be held at the School of Overseas Education, Sichuan University on November 20, 2022. We will disseminate information about the online options as we get closer to the event.

No fees will be charged for conference participants. Free lunch will be available for presenting doctoral students who attend the workshop physically.

三、评选说明Information on Research Prizes



⟡ 一等奖1名

⟡ 二等奖2名

⟡ 三等奖3名

The workshop organizing committee will invite renowned scholars to form an academic committee to review and select6excellent papers from the submitted papers through double-blinded review. The authors of those6excellent papers will receive research awards according to their ratings of the academic committee.We will also recommend excellent papers to high-quality academic journals for publication. Please wait for the following notice for the list of winning papers.

Research awards:

⟡ One first prize

⟡ Two second prizes

⟡ Three third prizes

四、工作坊投稿要求Requirements on the Submission to the Workshop



The participants should be master's and doctoral students in domestic and overseas universities. Participants are required to submit full papers (unlimited words) or abstracts (200-500 is appropriate). The workshop accepts unpublished and original articles.The file should be named as "title+name+major+contact information". Article should not normally exceed 10,000 words (excluding footnotes). Please refer to the submission guidelines of Appendix 1 "Paper Submission Format" for format requirement.The deadline for submission is October 30, 2022, and the successful submission will receive an email confirmation within one week.

We prefer to receive submissions as attachments in PDF or Word document format via the link (https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tk2qRSd.aspx).

五、联系方式Contact Information


If you are having any difficulties in submitting your article or any questions related to the workshop, please contact xinhanxue2022@163.com.





2.题目、提要和关键词:文章题目、提要、关键词请提供中英文,关键词不超过5个,中文论文的中文提要和英文提要不超过300字;英文论文的中文提要300—500字,英文提要300字(英文都使用Times New Roman字体,关键词之间用分号隔开)。





(1)字号、字体:正文采用小四号字;汉字用宋体,数字和英文(包括缩写字母)使用Times New Roman字体。


(3)引文:大段引文用楷体并另起一段(其中的数字和英文仍用Times New Roman字体);引文、数据应来自权威资料或网站,并注明出处和参考文献。




9.参考文献:参考文献列于附注之后。先中文文献后日文、西文文献,每个语种按作者姓名音序排列。字体要求与正文相同,字号为五号字。第一条参考文献的前一行加楷体加粗的“参考文献”四字。参考文献的要素请尽可能提供。参考文献的著录格式参考《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》GB 2015版。(下载链接:http://cbimg.cnki.net/Editor/2019/0910/gzzy/10259773-6f88-471f-a1a3-a7d394eac889.pdf)。